Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to stay slim for the holidays?


One could say that it's crazy to try to stay slim during the Christmas period, but it is certainly not impossible!
Simply apply some common sense strategies.
Below you will find a collection of the best tips on weight loss during Christmas:
Tip # 1 - Make full of fiber!
Fibers play an important role in helping your digestive system to work effectively and can also help you lose weight. On the occasion of Christmas dinners and parties, opt for whole grains and vegetables before eating simple carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, potatoes).
The fiber content helps reduce the impact on your blood sugar and help you control hunger. Add some lean protein to your food rich in fiber and you have a winning combination that can help you easily keep your diet under control.
Tip # 2 - How to drink alcohol to stay slim
Make a commitment that you will drink a glass of water for every glass of alcohol you drink at a party.
This will help you avoid drinking too much, eating too many calories and fluids to deal with dehydration the next day.
Tip # 3 - Do not skip breakfast
If you do not eat all day and attending a party or dinner, you're much more likely to eat more than necessary.
Instead, start each day with a healthy breakfast, low in calories. A small bowl of oatmeal with a serving of fruit and low-fat milk is a great choice. Two things to stay fuller longer and thin: the protein and fiber.
Tip # 4 - Ask for sports gifts for Christmas
If your partner, family and friends do not know what to buy for Christmas, maybe you should suggest that we would like something sporty or which involves any physical activity.
For example, why not suggest that you would be delighted to receive:
A new pair of walking shoes or jogging.
Of workout clothing like t-shirts, shorts, tracksuits
A new bike or a tennis racket.
Some videos or exercise ball.
A pair of dumbbells to work at home.
Tip # 5 - Plan an active vacation
If you have the chance to go on holiday with family and friends during December, you can try to plan an active vacation:
Walk a lot when you arrive at your destination by exploring the area on foot rather than by car.
Do things that you did not used to do like swimming in a swimming pool for example?
·         Rent a bike and explore the surroundings
·         Jog
·         Remember to stay lean and burn more fat during physical activity should alternate the pace and intensity of movements. A simple trick to get amazing results much faster than a regular performance.

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