Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lighten 500 calories meals

How to reduce 500 calories of your favorite meals?

Want to lose weight while continuing to eat pasta, pizza and burgers? Feasible, and even appetizing, provided substantially match the original recipes.

A pizza while lightness

Nothing is easier than removing a few calories to your pizza without doing any interest! Start by replacing the ham with mushrooms, just as tasty and much less calories! If you can not spend a small piece of meat, think turkey sausage advantageously replace meats. Finally, rather than drown your pizza under a mountain of cheese, opt for spices and onions which will take up the flavor of your dish while preserving your line.

A burger air

A burger can be digest well without being turned into tofu sandwich ... First, attack the heart of the problem: the hamburger. Start by buying steaks at 5% as fat, and if that does not do not hesitate to mix the chicken with a little garlic for a steak rich in taste and low in calories. Then do not forget the fresh tomatoes, lettuce and onions to replace happiness with bacon and slices of cheddar. To accompany a salad of tomatoes and cucumber sauce accented with lime will do much better deal than the fries too greasy.

Pasta: more flavor, less calories!

The best way to decrease the number of calories your pasta starts with a choice of ingredients. Aficionados of pasta carbonara, say goodbye to your bacon and replace them with matches bacon, less rich in fat. Regarding the cream, use a pot to 15% fat. And for those who cannot help but cover their pasta with a mountain of grated cheese, replace it with the goat, much more reasonable in terms of calories.

Couscous that you do not hurt

In the same vein, the main "problem" couscous depends on the chosen meat. The lamb is by nature very fat, so you have a vested interest in replacing it with a leaner meat such as chicken or turkey. Of course, nothing prevents you from making a clear broth of lamb side if you miss the flavor too. Side vegetables, carrots, peppers, eggplant and zucchini will do nicely. Will not spoil it by cooking 500 grams of chickpeas...

Chocolate cake angels

In a chocolate cake, your main opponents are the sugar and butter. Replace the first by the second and fructose by condensed milk and semi-skimmed milk unsweetened of course ... A little cheese (0% of course), eggs and flour, barely half hour in the oven and there you a beautiful chocolate cake that will have the good taste not (too) get noticed on the scale.

Monday, October 15, 2012

500 calories meals menu

Today, people are very conscious about their health. Some keep an account of the amount of calories they consume daily. Necessary calories ideal for men varies between 2000-2500, while for women it is 1500-2000. So you can imagine how little food you have to eat while on a diet of 500 calories. Also known as very low calorie diet (VLCD), a 500 calorie diet is implemented under the direction of a health nutritionist. It imposes severe restrictions on the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. The main power source is constituted by proteins, a factor that contributes to 500 calories menu.

500 calorie diet menu plan
Reduce the level of calories to such a low figure, suddenly, could lead to health complications. Therefore, you should begin to gradually reduce calories. This can be achieved by minimizing the consumption of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. If you eat 500 calories for meals at least two weeks, and the results will be evident soon. So here's the diet plan low calorie for you.
We all know that we should start our day with a little heavy. But you cannot do it in 500 calorie plan. A cup of skim milk is allowed and decaffeinated teas, such as chamomile, red clover and green tea is useful for achieving this goal. If you experience regular tea, then add saccharin or Stevie to it. The fruits contain calories citrus group very low and you can have them for breakfast. Grapes, oranges, sweet lemons, grape fruits, melons are healthy for breakfast.
No tortillas, brown rice or bread for lunch! Your lunch will consist of a bowl of soup made of vegetables. Include only vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Cabbage, broccoli, peas, chickpeas, spinach, yams and squash are foods that should be included in the menu of 500 calorie diet. The amount of protein required by your body will be enough of these foods low in calories. Additionally, the salads made from raw vegetables.
You can follow the same menu for dinner. 500 calories recipes are prepared from oils that are completely devoid of saturated fatty acids. You can use horseradish and olive oil minimum quantity to mix beans and legumes pan. During dinner, you should have the legume soups, zucchini and black beans. Cook vegetables in your meals and have it with seafood, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines. In this way, you can satisfy your hunger with these zero calorie foods.
You can constantly feel hungry if you start this diet plan immediately. Initially, you can reduce the amount to 900 calories with the help of low calorie meals and 500 calories per day. To overcome the vertigo at first, you can have a small snack in between. In this way, the hunger will be deleted. Have wheat crackers, popcorn and peanuts for snacks fresh. You can also drink fresh fruit juice, sugar, between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. In this way, you can achieve the goal of a 500 calorie diet.
The idea of ​​500 calories diet menu is designed to achieve rapid weight loss. You can follow this for a period of one or two months, under the suggestion of your doctor. People suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, low blood pressure, anemia and other types of body weakness must never think to try; otherwise the results could be detrimental to their health. I hope that you have collected useful information from this article.

How to Count Calories to Lose Weight

Counting calories to lose weight can be a tedious and demanding, but it can be very effective. The key is to understand that there are 3500 calories in 1 pound of body fat. You can eat 3500 calories and excess gain one pound of body fat or burn more than you eat and lose a pound 3500 calories. Knowing that many of you will understand how to manipulate this energy unit (called a calorie) to work in your favor.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Things you need
Nutritional information (all food consumed)
    Counting books.
1.Understanding your metabolism. See Resources for a link to a BMR calculator. This is the number of        calories you burn each day when you do nothing. To gain weight, eat more calories than your BMR. To lose        weight, eat less calories than your BMR.
Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 times the height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)  Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds ) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
 2.Determine how many pounds you intend to lose and how many calories you should eat to achieve your goal. For example, you want to lose 5 pounds of fat. You must create a calorie deficit of 17,500 total calories (3500 calories X 5 pounds). If your BMR is 1500, you burn 10,500 calories a week doing nothing.
Now you say good appetite rather than 1250 calories per day in the same week. Multiply by 7 and 1250 will be consumed 8750 calories. Subtract 8750 from 10500 and you have a deficit of 1 750 calories burned in a week. Since 3500 calories equal one pound a deficit through 1750 you lost half a pound a week by eating only intelligent (without exercise). It is 26 pounds per year. At this rate, you will reach your goal in 10 weeks.
3.Add an exercise plan to this form if you want to speed up weight loss. If you choose to walk for 30 minutes a day, you will burn about 250 calories. Use a heart rate monitor for more accurate readings. If you have done this for 7 days per week, you will burn another 1750 calories. Add the calories of the year (1750) with your low-calorie diet (1750), which is 3500 calories. One pound in a week just gone.
4.Slow start. To start, just keep a food diary of what you eat and how many calories you have consumed. Get a feel for how many calories you eat in an average day. Is used to find the calories for everything you eat. Many restaurants now offer nutritional information to their menus, make your work easier. March slowly down your daily calorie limit in the next few weeks until you reach your daily goal of calories (1 750 to 1 500 to 1 250, for example).
5.Keep track of your calories each day. How much you eat and how you burn with exercise. If you lose a bit of weight, you may need to Recalculate your BMR accordingly to stay on track.
Tips & Warnings
Safe weight loss is about 1-2 pounds a week.
Eat balanced meals (vegetables, protein, whole grains).
Eating foods with high water and fiber content and a little healthy fat to stay fuller longer.
Vegetables you full with very few calories.
Not starve yourself (BMR rain deficit of 250 to 500 calories per day). You will become ravenous and end up gorging.
Low calorie diets can lead to low energy, fatigue and headaches, so eating small meals throughout the day.
Consult a doctor before starting this or any other diet program / exercise.