Thursday, November 8, 2012

Best Belly Fat Burning Foods

The accumulation of fat around the abdomen is a common problem faced by men and women in their middle years, although these days, many teens also have a tendency to gain weight in the abdomen. The main reason behind the deposition of fat in the belly is our sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. As an important part of our day is spent in front of the TV or computer, which limits our physical movement, resulting in a gain of weight on the body. Moreover, due to work schedules and disordered sleeping and unable to cook, people tend to eat high-calorie foods such as fast foods that are readily available, resulting in an accumulation of fat. So, how to lose belly fat? Daily exercise and follow a healthy and balanced diet. Scroll down to find a list of the best foods burning belly fat you should include in your diet on a daily basis to get a fit body and trim.

List of foods that burn belly fat
Eggs are an essential food in any fat loss diet. They are rich in protein and calcium, which means they provide the body with the necessary nutrients. They contain biotin, which according to research, the process of fat in the body. This makes some eggs in the best belly fat burning foods list.
Shocking foods that burn belly fat, apples have high water content. Because they improve the body's metabolism and also helps indigestion. In addition, the body needs to burn more calories to digest in apples as fruit that contains itself! So if you want to lose your belly fat, eat an apple every day.
Whole Grains
Whole grains contain minerals and carbohydrates that are essential to keep the body healthy and it is also necessary to burn fat. The key is to say no to processed carbohydrates such as those found in white rice, pasta, white bread, among others. These should be replaced with complex carbohydrates such as those found in whole grains such as oats, corn, barley, brown rice, whole wheat and sprouted grains.
Fat dairy products
Low-fat yogurt and milk are a must in any fat loss diet. They are rich in calcium, which is known to increase a person's metabolism. Research shows that due to the consumption of calcium, insulin levels are usually raised after eating and are a major cause behind the stomach flange are kept in check. Thus, including foods low fat dairy in the diet to lose belly fat.
One of the best foods to burn belly fat for fast weight loss are nuts like almonds and peanuts. Nuts contain essential fatty acids, which are eaten as a snack on a daily basis, can keep your stomach full for a very long time. Thus, a person tends to eat less during the meal, resulting from the consumption of fewer calories and weight loss throughout the body, including the belly.
Salads of vegetables and fruit
Salads prepared from fat burning foods, such as fiber-rich vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, asparagus, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, cucumbers, grapefruit, strawberries, pears, etc. help to burn fat as a person who eats salads on such a day, tend to eat less.
Black beans
Fiber-rich foods such as black beans to improve digestion of the body, making them a must have in the list of foods that burn belly fat. When a person eats foods rich in fiber, his desire to eat food in the next meal is greatly reduced as fiber to keep the body full for a very long time. The tendency of a person to binge on high-calorie snacks and fast food down too. Thus, caloric intake is reduced and a person loses fat from her body, including the abdomen.
Lean meats and fish
Lean meats and fish are one of the best calorie burning foods. Protein-rich foods such as these should be included in every meal as the body takes time and uses a lot of calories to burn. Proteins are also known to help build muscle body fat.
In addition to eating these foods best belly fat burning, increase your water intake to one liter every day. Water flushes toxins and fat from the body, making a person lose fat. Here are some other important tips to lose belly fat - eat smaller portions of food, eating five small meals a day rather than three large meals, take a heavy breakfast and dinner very light, enjoy your meal at least two hours before sleep and, finally, daily exercise. If you follow these tips and include foods that burn belly fat above in your diet, very soon you will have a flat stomach you've always wanted!

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